Herbs have been used for millennia to heal bodies and souls. Read about Five [truly] amazing herbal teas and the conditions they can help treat from Natural News.
Leaving aside the question of whether they’re good or bad for a moment, what exactly are GMOs, and which foods are they in? Find out in Mother Jones’ article 5 Surprising Genetically Modified Foods.
93% of the Public Wants GMO Labeling—Monsanto and the Big Agribusiness Giants Plan to Spend Millions in Propaganda to Change Our Minds by Katherine Paul and Zack Kaldveer from AlterNet.
Be WARY of GMOAnswers.com website. The initiative is sponsored/funded by big agrochemical companies like Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta and BASF.
An article from NaturalNews asks a question Is GM corn responsible for causing epidemic of debilitating, inexplicable disease symptoms? It could be any corn but GMO corn may be especially harmful giving its altered genetic nature.
All Eyes [are] on Washington State for GE Food Labeling with the Initiative 522. If successful, the law would require GMO foods sold in Washington State to be labeled, period. This means Washington State could become the first state in the nation to implement labeling of GMO foods. If possible, please, support the Yes on 522.
A report The $11 Trillion Reward from The Union of Concerned Scientists explains how Investing in Healthy Food Will Save Lives and Dollars. Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables could save more than 100,000 lives and $17 billion in health care costs from heart disease each year.
A new study – Metabolic disruption in male mice due to fetal exposure to low but not high doses of bisphenol A (BPA) – links low doses of BPA (the hormone-altering chemical) to changes in body weight (obesity) and glucose tolerance (diabetes). According to this new research, in the offspring mice, BPA was associated with weight gain, increased abdominal fat and eating, impaired glucose tolerance and increased hormones that regulate glucose and appetite. Mice harmed by low doses of BPA but not high doses, study says article from EnvironmentalHealthNews.org further states “Last month, reacting to that report, the EPA defended its testing [methods], concluded that current testing of hormone-altering chemicals is adequate for detecting low-dose effects that may jeopardize health. […] In response to this new study, a spokesperson for the American Chemistry Council, which represents chemical companies, said the findings had not been replicated and it ‘presents conclusions that are not supported by the findings of EPA’s recent extensive review of the state of the science on low dose exposures.’”
One of the major environmental issues when it comes to fracking is the impact of it on water. An article The Growing Evidence of the Threat of Fracking to the Nation’s Groundwater by Dr. Peter Gleick explains it in a transparent, concise and evidence-based manner. The risks of fracking include growing competition for limited water resources; the production of large volumes of contaminated wastewater that comes up with the oil or gas and must be treated, reinjected, or safely stored; truck traffic and its impacts on the water quality of streams; spills and leaks; and the risks of groundwater contamination from the drilling and fracking process or from surface seepage of improperly handled wastewater. Just Considering the already existing evidence, the fracking practice should be seriously reconsidered.
To continue on the energy subject, explore joining Pear Energy where energy comes only from alternatives such as wind and solar sources which supports reversing climate change and offering freedom from public health and safety dangers due to fracking technology and nuclear power.
Find out about a super spice that may already be in your kitchen cupboard waiting to be used…
Watch this brief clip Feeding 9 Billion: Seeds of Change – India to find out what Indian farmers are utilizing to feed themselves.
Learn in The Rodale Institute celebrates the success of its 30-year Farming Systems Trial (The Cornucopia Institute) about how organic farming prevents crops from failing and creates a more stable environment for plants and people.