8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat. Stunning and educational!
This past week the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) issued the following statement: [There is] No scientific consensus on GMO safety.
In a meantime, Los Angeles Proposes Banning GMOs. (HuffingtonPost)
And Huge GMO News! On the side, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a lobby for the junk food industry, has been by far the largest donor in efforts to defeat the Initiative 522 which would mandate the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). And guess who is the biggest source of the money – Pepsico, Coca-Cola, NestleUSA, General Mills and a few other junk food companies.
To learn more about GMOs – watch this video about the GMO summit!
And more good news – this time about chocolate (good chocolate – what can be better?!): New Study Confirms Chocolate’s Fat-Busting Properties.
The article, Argentina Is Using More Pesticide Than Ever Before. And Now It Has Cancer Clusters (Mother Jones), reports that as the used of herbicides and pesticides increased dramatically over the last 20 years so has the rates of cancer, birth defects, and illnesses seldom seen before.
There are still (or perhaps again) many places in the US where food is, indeed, natural – wild, diverse, sustainable. One of them happens to be in Salina, KS as described by Mark Bittman in Now This Is Natural Food. (NYT)
Another word from Mark Bittman: Did you know? While cereal is now largely just a vehicle for sugar, it was actually devised by Christian fundamentalists as a healthy alternative to pork- and coffee-laden breakfasts. (NYT – opinions)
The Ten Simple Daily Steps for Reducing Stress. (Natural News)
How wasteful that is when One Bottle’s Worth of Water Wasted for Every Three Produced, especially as the water is becoming a scarce resource? (Thedailygreen)
And more waste – 28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima. (GreenMedInfo) Appalling and freighting!