Are certain foods a new tobacco and the food industry a new tobacco industry? Food Is the New Tobacco (The Environmental Magazine) shines some light on the issue.
In the dark – at least that’s where a consumer is today when it comes to GMOs. Recently, Senators Warren (MA) and Udall (CO) sent a joint letter to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration urging the agency to Finalize GMO Labeling Guidelines. However, according to OCA, it appears that Senators Angle for Monsanto-Friendly FDA Voluntary GMO Labeling Guidance. Instead of voluntary, it should read mandatory. Don’t we just have the right to know?
Two Things Monsanto hates: This Video, and WA I-522.
Meanwhile, one for us – In a major victory brought upon by serious activism and public outrage, new legislation changes will shut down the Monsanto Protection Act rider that granted Monsanto protection from legal action and was set to renew on September 30th. (Natural Society)
Better Than Big Pharma: 5 Herbs You Can’t Do Without (AlterNet). I can personally vouch for lemon balm, ginger, turmeric and elderberry. Especially the last one does wonder when a cold or a flu is on a horizon.
If you like indoor plants, have time and patience, here are 10 House Plants That Will Clean and Purify the Air Inside Your Home. Just remember to water them, once in a while at least. Put it in your calendar or a list to do in case if needed.
Even though more research is needed, the fact that Cinnamon Could Benefit Diabetes Patients (The Huffington Post) is very promising.
Did you realize/do you know that Half of China’s Antibiotics Now Go to Livestock? (MotherJones); meanwhile, in the US, livestock industry is now consuming nearly four-fifths of the antibiotic.
Should we forget vaccines and Fight Pandemic Disease with Herb Power? (Natural Society)
Autism is on the rise. And more research provides evidence that environment plays a huge role such as exposure to air pollutants and insecticides used in the home. (The Environmental Magazine)
If possible, help to Stop SB 633, Oregon’s Monsanto Protection Act that will hurt Oregon’s farmers and local food and agriculture!
Here are a few means to diminish a possibility of cancer:
– Eliminate Processed Foods – Exercise – Increase Vitamin D – Optimize Essential Fat Consumption – Minimize Radiation Exposure – Sleep Plenty and Reduce StressFor details, read 6 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer.