This is a follow-up (to previous posts) with more evidence against fluoride. Can Adding Fluoride to Milk Help Improve Children’s Dental Health? (Mercola)
The Life-Changing Habit Every Woman Has Time For… may be worth trying…
Cosmetics contain plenty of chemicals – a few very dangerous such as lead (neurotoxin causing learning, language and behavioral problems such as lowered IQ), formaldehyde (carcinogen linked to several cancers, including leukemia), phthalates (hormone disrupter affecting the reproductive system), triclosan (linked to changes in hormone levels and increased risk of cancer, especially breast and prostate cancers), and mercury (harms reproductive and cardiovascular systems). Some Women take on cosmetics industry and they need your support.
What if Everything You’ve Been Told about How to Eat Is Wrong (AlterNet) and real fat is really good for you?
Top 10 Healthy Nutrients for Brain Development (Cheeseslave) to stay sharp, focused and stave off dementia.
In a brilliant interview, Wendell Berry, Poet & Prophet (Moyers & Company), this distinguished farmer and writer discusses a plan to save the Earth from the environmental catastrophe.
Have you said NO to the GMO (NaturalNews) yet? It is time that we start eating real food, isn’t it?
Take a step further and think organic, especially when it comes to these 7 Best Foods (BuiltLean) to avoid long-term low level exposure to hazardous pesticides. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are especially vulnerable.
European Environmental Agency states that People must pay the full cost of water (Euractiv) to forestall waste and preserve this precious resource. Should we, in the US, also be serious about water and its conservation?
Eating too much and not moving enough may not be the only contributors to the obesity epidemic. What Makes People (and Our Animals) Fat? (TheDailyGreen) explains that there is much more to the story.