Farmers will listen. If we eat more vegetable, they will grow them and not corn. Read about on A Food Day Wish List: More Veggies, Less Corn. (Union of Concerned Scientists)
In light of Fukushima and other possible future disasters, What You Should Be Doing NOW to Protect Yourself from Radiation? (Washington’s blog)
Sad news – it looks like Washington state has not been successful in trying to label genetically modified/engineered foods (GMOs). Once again, Big Food Crushes Consumer Rights in Washington State. (Alter Net)
Further, here is how Big Food Wants to Crush the GMO Labeling Movement by the wonderful Tom Philpott from Mother Jones and Industry’s Secret Plan to Get the Feds to Kill GMO Labeling in Every State by the brilliant Michele Simon from Eat Drink Politics.
On the topic of GMOs, a MUST-WATCH: The Colbert Report Mocks GMOs, My Fox Interview Gets Airtime. (Living Max Well)
Finally, FDA Puts Trans Fat on the Chopping Block – it has taken the first step toward eliminating the use of partially hydrogenated oils. (Med Page) About time!
Do we finally have A Cure for the Allergy Epidemic? (NYT)
What if you were told that Smartphones Are Killing Us — and Destroying Public Life. (AlterNet) What if anything would you change?
If possible, voice your concerns by reading and responding to 4 Foods That Could Disappear If New Food Safety Rules Pass.