It is becoming apparent that fluoride poses many risks. Top 10 Dangers of Fluoride (from Cheeseslave) summarize some of the most widely recognized. A MUST see short movie, Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth provides information not to frighten but to educate.
Chocolate will never cease to amaze me that in this one food, there can be so much goodness. View the NaturalSociety’s article 7 Dark Chocolate Health Benefits for details.
In Breeding Bacteria on Factory Farms, Mark Bittman (NYT) reviews and recapitulates the current studies and evidences “that keeping animals in confinement and feeding them antibiotics prophylactically breeds varieties of bacteria that cause disease in humans…” often very hard to treat diseases.
Will US trade negotiators seek the elimination of GMO restrictions in Europe? Will European Requirements for Labeling GMO Foods Survive New Trade Negotiations? Cornucopia offers some insights.
Carole Bartolotto (The Huffington Post) advices on How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods – And Take Your Power Back. And her interview with a renowned scientist, Michael Hansen, PhD, Is the Movement to Label GMOs Anti-Science? renders answers to some of the more unsettling issues regarding GMOs.
Are you concerned about the lack of labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods? From Just Label It, read 8 Things You Can Do and how to access additional information.
In the Health Letter article, July 2013, Public Citizen recommends to Protect Others by Reporting Your Child’s Problems with Medical Products (the case will make You think twice before taking ANY medication next time).
In order to answer some of my friends’ and colleagues’ questions, the article 7 Foods You Should Never Eat is being reposted.
Organic certification verifies that products meet all requirements in the USDA organic regulations from farm to market. See the definitions, regulations and resources for additional information in in this brief document.
[…] food companies have known for decades that salt, sugar and fat are not good for us in the quantities Americans consume them, and yet every year they convince most of us to ingest about twice the recommended amount of salt and 70 pounds of sugar – up to 22 teaspoons a day. Is junk food the new tobacco? Read here to find some answers.
The Food Revolution Network’s The Truth About Soy is an excellent article about detriments and benefits of soy. Worth reading, especially by those who consider soy a miracle or at very least a safe alternative to cow’s milk.
Consider helping The Cornucopia Institute with a new scorecard to rate brands of organic chicken. Following the link: Help Us Separate Factory Farm Brands of “Organic” Chicken from the Real McCoy.
And finally, following the instructions to make the best ricotta cheese: Homemade Ricotta A La Il Buco Alimentari Is Amazing, Surprisingly Easy To Make. Make sure to use good quality “unpasteurized” or at most, just “pasteurized” milk.