One of my favorite people from the food world, Dr. Marion Nestle, talks about her history with food studies and the future of food politics in the interview with Eve Turow from The Village Voice.
On her blog, you can also find out more about Great Britain’s consistent system of front-of-pack food labeling and Australia’s new, star-rating system for food packaging, to indicate how healthy products are.
The House rejected the Senate Farm Bill. Perhaps it is even better as the law base on it would hardly resemble a farm bill, especially with huge unnecessary subsidies to for the largest and most successful farm businesses and awful cuts to food assistance and to farm and nutrition programs as well as to protection of the environment.
Here is an interesting op-ed from NYT by Frank Bruni about calories counting.
Is this a joke or a really poor judgment? Executive at Monsanto Wins Global Food Honor (NYT).
Good news from the restaurant industry – Chipotle becomes first US restaurant chain to voluntarily label GMOs (
How about Mandatory food composting on a large scale? Mayor Bloomberg wants just that for New York City.
The United States has not been an example of sustainable farming. We can change that. Learn about Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest in International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.
“Food is one of the greatest gifts” of this planet. However, due to technology, innovations and creepy science, the knowledge about food that has given rise to humanity has been disregarded and dismissed in the last several decades. “First Peoples Worldwide wants to change that with its new Native Abundance initiative.” Read Native Abundance and the Wisdom of Native Food Practices in Civil Eats.
Last but not least, if possible, march with Moms Across America this July 4th to learn about and for labeling GMOs.