Read what Dr. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), has said at the Opening Address at the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion in Helsinki, Finland. Bravo Dr. Chan!
The epidemic of obesity is ruining this nation (and others as well) in every possible way – economically, emotionally, physically, mentally. Raising the price on highly caloric food may not be a novel idea but certainly one worth discussing and acting on. The Washington Post’s article How to curb obesity: Tax calories, study says explains how it works.
Wenonah Hauter’s book Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America “examines the corporate consolidation and control over our food system and what it means for farmers and consumers” and is a must to read for anyone who cares about what they eat!
The best worst new foods at the 2013 Minnesota State Fair from Grist.
In a follow up to my previous post about a recently rendered food prize (sponsored by Monsanto), Mark Bittman from the NYT discusses The True Deservers of a Food Prize.
Research Shows that Monsanto’s Big Claims for GMO Food Are Probably Wrong. “International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability examined those [GMOs] claims and found that conventional plant breeding, not genetic engineering, is responsible for yield increases in major U.S. crops. Additionally, GM crops, also known as genetically engineered (GE) crops, can’t even take credit for reductions in pesticide use.”
Is it possible that 80 percent of US packaged foods may contain dangerous chemicals?